Skull and Bones Megacorps in a Different Light

After delving into all the main quests and numerous side missions in Skull and Bones, I find myself questioning the portrayal of the megacorps as the unequivocal villains. Surprisingly, they don’t appear as nefarious as one might expect.

The game fails to provide compelling reasons for players to oppose the megacorps beyond the simplistic notion of “pirates versus big business.” In fact, characters like Scurlock and Rahma seem more despicable than the corporate entities. Scurlock’s deceitful and treacherous nature, coupled with Rahma’s intolerable self-righteousness, make them far less appealing than any megacorporation.

If given the chance, I would readily accept a pardon from the megacorps and join their ranks as a privateer to eradicate these two kingpins once and for all.

Admittedly, I haven’t delved deeply into the lore scattered throughout the game, so perhaps there are nuances I’ve overlooked. However, it seems that the developers may have opted for a more family-friendly approach, considering Skull and Bones’ status as a lighthearted pirate adventure. Nevertheless, the game draws inspiration from historical megacorporations like the Dutch East India Company, which were notorious for their exploitative practices.

The Dutch East India Company, often regarded as the world’s first megacorporation, amassed unimaginable wealth and wielded its own military force. However, its prosperity came at the cost of widespread enslavement and ruthless resource extraction in the East Indies. There was no altruistic mission of civilization; it was purely about maximizing profits at the expense of indigenous populations.

In contrast, pirates are typically depicted as morally ambiguous figures who engage in acts of deception, theft, and violence without discrimination. Yet, pirate ships often operated on democratic principles, with profits shared fairly among crew members. Megacorporations, both historically and within the game, embody the opposite ethos. They adhere to the letter of the law, but that same law allows for the exploitation and oppression of vast populations. Even their own employees are subjected to meager wages and dismal living conditions, resulting in short and miserable lives.

In light of these considerations, the portrayal of megacorporations in Skull and Bones appears somewhat lacking in depth. Rather than being portrayed as clear-cut villains, their role could be enriched by exploring the complexities of their operations and the moral dilemmas they present. Such an approach would add layers to the game’s narrative and encourage players to critically examine the motivations and actions of all factions involved.

As I continue my journey through Skull and Bones, I hope to uncover more about the true nature of the megacorps and their place in this maritime world. Perhaps then, my perspective on them will evolve, and I’ll gain a deeper understanding of the conflicts that drive the game’s storyline.

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